Tuesday 17 March 2015

My planner hints

A little while ago, Amanda over on She's Eclectic ran a competition and in part of this asked planners for their best advice. At the time I was pretty daunted, I've only been planning for a few months what advice could I possibly give? In the days and weeks that have passed since though this has given me some real food for thought.

Now I'm always learning, so I'm certain this will be interesting to revisit in a few months, but these are these are the hints and tips I would pass on at this stage.

1. Fill your planner with things that make you smile. 
Quotes, pictures, photos. Anything. The daily slog can be pretty tough sometimes and it can be hard to remember to smile. If your planner is always filled with things that make you smile, you've always got something to smile about.

2. Plan the little things too.
 I always note down when I need to take out the rubbish, put a washload in, even worm the cats. It's only small stuff, but if I've made time in my day for it firstly it actually gets done and secondly I don't stress out over it. Since I've started doing this my stress levels have been way down.

3. Keep work and play separate.
This is a deeply personal choice, but for me it's far more beneficial to have work in a filofax all on it's own. This stops work creeping into my personal life and vice versa. For me it's been deeply liberating and it's the first time in my adult life wherein I have a work life balance.

4. The internet is a dangerous place.
I am forever seeing beautiful planners, tapes, papers and what have you online. In a world full of beautiful planner paraphernalia it is far too easy to buy more than you need. 

As a self confessed hoarder a little self control has to exercised to prevent me having to build an extension on my home to house my goodies. I'm not saying you shouldn't treat yourself, just be warned you're probably going to see lots of things you want to buy. Be prepared for some of them not to be available where you live too.

5. Don't be afraid to experiment 
I'm always surprising myself by trying out new things with my planner. Currently, I'm having a love affair with journalling cards and scrapbook paper. Mixing the two together can create some very pretty dividers and dashboards, which will allow you to put your own stamp on your planner and make it something truly unique.

How about you, what's the best planner advice you've been given? 


  1. My absolute favorite bit of advice is to reverse highlight; learned from giftieetcetera. That way undone things pop out. Also, it adds color to my planner.

  2. My absolute favorite bit of advice is to reverse highlight; learned from giftieetcetera. That way undone things pop out. Also, it adds color to my planner.

  3. "Plan the little things" is such an important tip. I also lowered stress levels a ton by doing that.

    And Carla P., thanks for the shout out!
